Album Session

Doing a recording for a band is probably one of the most exciting, rewarding and tenuous goals a group can have. Even today. But back in the early seventies it was not so easy to come by. Our First album was a self titled release called Clockwork. By today’s standards it was super low-tech, but to us, it represented the future.

It was produced by Manuel J. Mato and recorded at M&M Studios, located at 501 West 28th Street, in Hialeah, Florida. It has changed hands quite a bit, gone thru several renovations and is still a working studio at the very same location, except now, it is c0-owned by Frank Miret, the original Clockwork guitar player. Here is a brief look back.

Alfredo Perez (leaving the M&M Studios)

Alfredo Perez (leaving the M&M Studios)

Lina Arguelles bringing in her gear to M&M Studios

Lina Arguelles bringing in her gear to M&M Studios

M&M Studios engineers helping Alex Cobos set up.

M&M Studios engineers helping Alex Cobos set up.

Carlos during the recording session

Carlos during the recording session

Carlos during the recording session

Carlos during the recording session

Carlos and Lina during the recording session

Carlos and Lina during the recording session

Alfredo during the recording session

Alfredo during the recording session

Lina and Frank during the recording session

Lina and Frank during the recording session

Frank and Alex rehearsing at the recording session

Frank and Alex rehearsing at the recording session

Alex, dazed and confused at the recording session

Alex, dazed and confused at the recording session

Alex and Alfredo loading up the Lesley as Frank looks on.

Alex and Alfredo loading up the Lesley as Frank looks on.

Carlos ready fro trip to the studio

Carlos ready fro trip to the studio

M&M Recording Studios rate-sheet cover

M&M Recording Studios rate-sheet cover

M&M Recording Studios rate-sheet inside

M&M Recording Studios rate-sheet inside

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